From Maya EK (star, brillance) BALAM (jaguar)

Connecting with the source… Conscious Community


independent life

Be part of the tribe

Be part of Stellar Refuges

You have dreamed of this, this is the time to give up evenything, remove the ties and choose your new family, enjoy yourself. get to know yourself, live without morrying about the past or future, it is time for your dreams to crystallize and live this new adventure of creating and being part of the basis of the new holistic human civilization.

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The Tribe

We seek starseeds, warriors, to make tribe and leave a trace on our lives on this beautfull planet

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It is time to write a new history in humanity, this conscious community is only the beginning of the great awakening!

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Building a new society, based on love. respect, care and freedom of ideas

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Our Earth

We are dedicated to conservation and protection of our natural and cultural heritaga

"Being able to free yourself from all the stress of modern society, being able to live freely and fully is the best thing that has happened to me"
Ricardo Legaria
Soul Quantifier

Welcome to the Paradise

a star seed can enjoy the following benefits


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Organic Home

The whole concept of construction and architecture is based on the Mayan techniques and ancestral principles same the great pyramids was covered. The bioconstruction elements are stone, wood, bamboo, bejuco and chukum tree that works as waterproofing for pools, walls, earthenware and floors, its finish is refreshing and beautiful.

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Bejuco & Bamboo

We rerspect nature thats why we build with local materials, our designs care and create harmonious environments.

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Sustainable Jungle

We have a jungle full of bejuco, twich, when they work, create employment for many families.

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Sacred Geometry

From the most infinite and unimaginable of our universe to the tiniest known to man, it is designed under these fractals and their mathematics. We take these universal principles to encoding them into our star refuge.


Our common areas are designed with the most exquisite detail in balance with nature the art of our people and culture is permeated from the design to the workmanship of mayan artists.

Organic Market

Food production will be 100% free of chemicals and with the last negative impact on the ecosystem, there will be technified systems of agro production for home and at community level.

Healthy living

Area of traditional Medicine, Spa, Mud Bath, Thermal Water, Temazcal and Medicinal plants.

Exercise, Yoga & Meditation

We seek the balance of mind and body.

Orion river

Millions of liters of cenote water, circulating in a cosmic network of purification and harmony.


Our starseeds will enjoy the richness and tranquility of our Natural Reserves, Parks, Cenotes and Archeological sites

Green business
& Investments

Equity, equality and justice

Do you want to be part of the tribe?

Fill the application

We will also clarify all your doubts


To become a STAR SEED is a privilege, for our community to function 100% in harmony it is necessary to carry out a selection process, do not despair!!! We will give you a response within a few days of your application.